Lorain County has reached a $2,500 settlement with Aaron Knapp over its refusal to release video footage from the Lorain County Justice Center. Knapp, a Republican candidate for Lorain’s Sixth Ward City Council, had been seeking the video for months, alleging it would show him being wrongfully detained in a basement area of the building in November 2023.
The video in question: Facebook link
Knapp’s efforts to obtain the footage were repeatedly blocked by former Assistant Prosecutor Dan Petticord, who claimed it was a security record exempt from public disclosure. Despite this, former Commissioner Michelle Hung pushed for its release, suggesting security-sensitive portions be blurred. Her stance put her at odds with Petticord, who later lost a race for Common Pleas judge and now works for Lorain County Job & Family Services.
As a result of the county’s refusal to comply, Knapp filed a lawsuit, leading to the settlement. Commissioner Jeff Riddell acknowledged that settling was the most cost-effective option, avoiding further legal expenses.
Aaron Knapp’s Full Statement:
“To Whom It May Concern,
I feel it is necessary to clarify the circumstances surrounding my litigation against Lorain County and the settlement that followed. My pursuit of legal action was not initiated by choice but was necessitated by the actions and decisions of Daniel Petticord and other county officials, who repeatedly refused to cooperate with my reasonable requests.
Initially, I sought to obtain video evidence that I believed was crucial to my case. I attempted multiple times to secure access through informal means, engaging with the magistrate and even seeking an intermediary I trusted, such as Sheriff Hall, to view the footage on my behalf. However, my requests were met with continued resistance and obstruction. This unwillingness to cooperate ultimately forced me into litigation, a route I had hoped to avoid.
The financial burden of this process was significant. I was compelled to retain legal counsel at a personal cost of $2,000, hiring attorney Robert Gargasz. The remainder of the $2,500 settlement awarded to me covered additional legal expenses, including a $300 filing fee and $164.65 for copies. It is important to highlight that I did not seek punitive damages; my goal was merely to recover my costs incurred due to the county’s refusal to act in accordance with public records laws.
Commissioner Jeff Riddell acknowledged the settlement as reasonable and noted that further litigation could have been far more costly to the county. This underscores the legitimacy of my claim and the unnecessary escalation that county officials forced upon this matter.
I did not enter this legal dispute lightly, nor did I seek to burden taxpayers unnecessarily. The responsibility for this situation lies with those who failed to comply with transparency laws and who obstructed my lawful request. Had cooperation been offered from the beginning, litigation would have been entirely unnecessary.
I remain committed to advocating for transparency, accountability, and the responsible governance that the residents of Lorain County deserve.
Aaron C. Knapp
Candidate Lorain City 6th Ward“
Political Context
Knapp is running for Lorain’s Sixth Ward City Council seat as a Republican against Angel Arroyo, the current appointee. Arroyo was recently appointed after Antonio Baez stepped down. Baez resigned following criticism from Knapp, who argued that his role as both a police officer and a partisan elected official was illegal.
Knapp has emphasized that his goal in pursuing legal action was not financial gain but ensuring government transparency and accountability.